Ephesos- Gesamtplan
P. Scherrer
(Last visit: 19/7/2011)
Ephesus, Topographic plan.
Ephesos, Plan
Austrian Archaeological Institute
(Last visit: 12/7/2011)
Ephesus, topographic plan and monuments.
(Last visit: 22/2/2006)
Ephesus, Harbour Gymnasium.
(Last visit: 22/2/2006)
Ephesus, Harbour Baths.
Rundgang durch Ephesos
(Last visit: 2/2/2006)
Through ancient Ephesus.
The Harbor Gymnasium and Baths (Ephesus)
(Last visit: 21/2/2006)
Ephesus, the Harbour Gymnasium and Baths.
(Last visit: 22/2/2006)
Ephesus, the Hall of Verulanus.