Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Asia Minor FOUNDATION OF THE HELLENIC WORLD
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Ruling Classes in the Roman Period

Author(s) : Kadirea Maria (3/4/2002)
Translation : Koutras Nikolaos (4/14/2008)

For citation: Kadirea Maria, "Ruling Classes in the Roman Period", 2008,
Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Asia Minor
URL: <http://www.ehw.gr/l.aspx?id=7621>

Άρχουσες Τάξεις στη Ρωμαϊκή Περίοδο (4/1/2008 v.1) Ruling Classes in the Roman Period (10/2/2008 v.1) 



agonothetes, the
Official assigned with the task of organising and hosting the contest in the framework of a contest.

agoranomos, the
Civil official responsible for the maintenance of the market and the price balance of foods.

equestrians, the (equites)
The lowest class of Roman aristocracy, whose economic wealth derived mainly from civil professions (bankers, publicans, merchants), yet without political privileges. The Roman Republican period was marked by their strives against the senators. The equestrians were were won over mainly by leaders who desired to promote a monarchic type of government pushing aside the Senate.

gymnasiarch, the
The man responsible for the supervision of the youngsters and the adolescents who were trained at the gymnasia and at the palaestrae. This rank, widely diffused in all cities of the ancient Greek world, constituted a public office which was usually bestowed on the most eminent and rich citizens, since it required great expenses.

The gymnasium was one of the most important centres of public life in Greek cities. The institution of the gymnasium, directly connected with the development of the Greek city, aimed to create virtuous citizens and gallant warriors. As educational institutions of public character, the gymnasia were intended for the physical and theoretical education of the young and consisted of separate spaces for special purposes.

honestiores or splendidiores, the (lat.)
Those coming from upper social strata. From the 2nd c. B.C. onward the class of the honestiores included the senators and their famimies, military officials and their children, as well as those who had been in public office and their children.

koinon, the
The term koinon pertains to every confederacy of ancient cities.

latus clavus, the (lat.)
Type of tunic with two wide vertical purple strips, worn by the senators.

Public building, in which the prytaneis of the city had common dinners, and where the official visitors and the honored people were hosted.

Roman-Asia Minor type of theatre, the
The edifice of the theatre as it was formed during the Roman period in Asia Minor. It was a merge of the Greek and the Roman type, with koilon larger than the semi-circle and monumental mutli-storeyed scene, which often adjoined to the curve of the tiers and clogged the whole construction.

senate, the
The top political body of the Roman state. During the early Republic, it was represented by the council of the consuls, the top archons of the roman state. Later on, its power and responisibilities increased. As a result, it became the main governmental body of Rome. However, during the Imperial period, the responsibilities of the senate were restricted.

senator, the (1. Roman, 2. Byzantine)
1. A Roman body of men that originally advised the king and then the consuls; Heredity was not the only means of joining the senate and “new men” or novi homines could become part of it; Augustus revised the senate and left the body with less power and bolstered hereditary claims as a means to enter the senate; it continued to make laws and conferred powers on new emperors.2. Member of the senate. The senate, a roman institution transferred from Rome to Constantinople by Constantine I during the Byzantine period was an advisory body whose rights and responsibilities were not clearly defined. It was consisted of imperial officers coming from the upper and were ranked according to hierarchical levels: viri illustri (perfectus praetoriae and the magister), viri spectabili (proconsul, vicarius and the comes), viri clarissimi (consul praetoriae) and viri perfectissimi (praeses and duces). Since the 6th c. AD a new title was established for the upper officers (viri gloriosi). The years that followed officials were entitled to officers regardless their position as senators or if they were about to be admitted to this body.


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