Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Asia Minor FOUNDATION OF THE HELLENIC WORLD
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Nyssa (Antiquity), Gerontikon

Author(s) : Dawson Maria-Dimitra (3/19/2003)
Translation : Dawson Maria - Dimitra , Kamara Afroditi

For citation: Dawson Maria-Dimitra , "Nyssa (Antiquity), Gerontikon",
Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Asia Minor
URL: <http://www.ehw.gr/l.aspx?id=8862>

Νύσα (Αρχαιότητα), Γεροντικόν (1/26/2009 v.1) Nyssa (Antiquity), Gerontikon (10/21/2008 v.1) 



Small pedimental naiskos, either a free-standing construction or integrated into a larger building's facade.

Τhe auditorium or audience sitting of a theater.

The gymnasium was one of the most important centres of public life in Greek cities. The institution of the gymnasium, directly connected with the development of the Greek city, aimed to create virtuous citizens and gallant warriors. As educational institutions of public character, the gymnasia were intended for the physical and theoretical education of the young and consisted of separate spaces for special purposes.

odeum, the
Public building similar to the theatre, but roofed and with smaller dimensions, which was used for musical contests.

opus quadratum
Tecnhique of wall construction, in which chiselled squared blocks of stone of the same dimensions were placed in parallel lines.

opus sectile, the
Technique of floor or wall decoration. Thin pieces of polychrome marble are carved or joined so that a decorative motif could be depicted.

The performance space of the ancient Greek and Roman theatre, placed between the scene building and the cavea. It was usually semi-circular in shape and rarely circular.

scaenae frons, the
The elaborate aedicular stage façade of the roman theatres that bears a rich architectural and sculptural decoration.

scene (lat. scaena -ae)
The stage building of the ancient theaters originally used for storage but provided a convenient backing for performances.


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