Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Asia Minor FOUNDATION OF THE HELLENIC WORLD
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Pergamon (Antiquity), Upper Gymnasium

Author(s) : Kazakidi Natalia (9/19/2003)
Translation : Velentzas Georgios

For citation: Kazakidi Natalia, "Pergamon (Antiquity), Upper Gymnasium",
Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Asia Minor
URL: <http://www.ehw.gr/l.aspx?id=9169>

Πέργαμον (Αρχαιότητα), Άνω Γυμνάσιο (11/10/2008 v.1) Pergamon (Antiquity), Upper Gymnasium (4/1/2011 v.1) 



anta or pilaster, the
A shallow rectagular feature projecting from a wall, having a capital and a base and architecturally treated as a column.

architrave or epistyle
The lowest part of an entablature resting on the columns capitals and supporting the frieze.

Derivative of the Latin verb caleo (= warm up). It is the strongly heated room of Roman baths. Its hot plunge pool was used to take not only a hot bath but also a steam bath due to high levels of humidity. It was also called the "inner room".

Τhe auditorium or audience sitting of a theater.

Interior enclosed part - nucleus of a temple or other temple-shaped building.

corinthian order
The most elaborate of the ancient greek architectural orders. It was developed in the 4th century BC in Greece and it was extensively used in Roman architecture. It is similar to the Ionic order. Its capitals being four-sided and composed of a basket-shaped body decorated with volumes and rows of acanthus leaves.

The main room of the Greek gymnasium. It could have served educational and social fuctions. It usually had the form of an exedra, with seats in it.

exedra, the
1. Large semicircular niche-like structure with stone seats ranged around the walls, often outdoors or with a hemidome over. An exedra may also be expressed by a curved break in a colonnade, perhaps with a semi-circular seat.2. The rectangular hall of the palaestra, open to the courtyard with columns at the front. The exedrae in gymnasium and palaestra could have served many functions. Usually a hall of such type was the Ephebeum.

frieze (1. architecture), (2. painting)
1. The part of the entablature resting on the architrave and below the cornice. In the Doric order the frieze is decorated with two alternative motives, namely the triglyph and metope, while in the Ionic order the frieze is a decoratively carved band.2. Decorative horizontal band that sweeps parts of a vessel or the highest part of the walls in a room.

A large cold pool to drop into after enjoying a hot Roman bath (from frigeo). Normally frigidarium has used after a visit to warm rooms (caldarium) or after a training in palaistra. As the largest room in the thermae and often functioned as a hall for social events or communication

gymnasiarch, the
The man responsible for the supervision of the youngsters and the adolescents who were trained at the gymnasia and at the palaestrae. This rank, widely diffused in all cities of the ancient Greek world, constituted a public office which was usually bestowed on the most eminent and rich citizens, since it required great expenses.

hydraulic mortar
A waterproofing mortar, applied to tha walls of spaces exposed to water and humidity, such as cisterns, baths etc.

A course of blocks laid on edge, normally in the lower part of the wall of a building.

A colonnaded enclosure for athletic exercise. The palaestra functioned both independently and as a part of the Greek gymnasium. It was formed as an open court surrounded by colonnades with adjoining rooms.

It was one of two side passageways in an ancient Greek theatre, between the scene and the cavea, through which the chorus and the actors entered the orchestra.

pediment, the
The triangular structure, over a building façade, between the horizontal entablature and the sloping roof, often decorated with sculptures, reliefs or painted figures.

A colonnade surrounding a building or a courtyard .

Pier of square or rectangular cross-section.

Furnace of a Roman bath. The term may denote only the stroke hole (formix) of the furnace, or the larger area of the furnace or furnaces.

The porch in front of the cella of a temple

prostyle temple
A term applied to a temple with a portico of columns in front.

scene (lat. scaena -ae)
The stage building of the ancient theaters originally used for storage but provided a convenient backing for performances.

sphairisterion (sphaeristerium)
A room for ball games in the Greek gymnasium.

From the Latin word spolium (=spoils, booty). Architectural remains from destroyed buildings that have been reused in later periods.

stoa, portico, the
A long building with a roof supported by one or two colonnades parallel to its back wall.

It is the architectural term, deriving from the latin verb "sudo" (=sweat), for the sweating room of the roman baths. It is usually a vaulted room of rectangular form between the caldarium and the tepidarium. In the Early Roman times (1st- 2nd c. B.C.) sudatoria used to be of circular form.

The word is derived from the verb tepeo meaning ‘to be tepid’. It is the room of tepid water in the Roman thermae. It was also called middle house or tepid house and was usually situated between the caldarium and the frigidarium. Its main function was the acclimatization of the bather to the change of temperature. Being at the Tepidarium the visitor could also apply ointments on his/her body before or after the hot bath, although, there was a special room for this function called unctorium.


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