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Roman colonies in Asia Minor
Author(s) : Kadirea Maria (9/24/2002)Translation : Koutras Nikolaos
For citation: Kadirea Maria, "Roman colonies in Asia Minor",Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Asia MinorURL: <>
agonothetes, the Official assigned with the task of organising and hosting the contest in the framework of a contest.
censor senior Roman magistrate responsible for financial matters, the supervision of the morals and public order.
consul, -lis An official of the Roman state. In the period of the Republic, it was the highest military and political office: two consuls were elected each year. The consular office survived into the Imperial period (and further into the early Byzantine period), becoming a honorary post.
gymnasiarch, the The man responsible for the supervision of the youngsters and the adolescents who were trained at the gymnasia and at the palaestrae. This rank, widely diffused in all cities of the ancient Greek world, constituted a public office which was usually bestowed on the most eminent and rich citizens, since it required great expenses.
1. Introduction
2. Reasons for the establishment of colonies in Asia Minor
3. Social provenance of the colonists and the local populations
4. Socio-political institutions and local self-governance
Entry's identity
Chronological Table
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The project "ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF THE HELLENIC WORLD" is co-funded from the European Union by 80% and from the Hellenic State by 20% through the Operational Programme Information Society. The project "GREAT INTERNET "ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HELLENIC CULTURE" - PART A'" is co-funded from the European Union by 80% and from the Hellenic State by 20% through the Operational Programme Information Society.