Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Black Sea FOUNDATION OF THE HELLENIC WORLD
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Kalos Limen

Kalos Limen (26/3/2007 v.1) Καλός Λιμήν (21/11/2007 v.1)

Kalos Limen (modern Chernomorskoe), the ancient greek sea port colony in the north-western Crimea, was first settled in the middle of the 4th century B.C. Its history is bound to that of the Taurian Chersonesus and it became the apple of discord for Chersonesians and Scythians. Excavations have so far uncovered remains of the fortification system, ground plans of domestic structures and evidence of a cemetery. Moreover, it has been proved that economy was primarily based on agriculture, while...




Kavarna - has not been published yet Καβάρνα (5/9/2007 v.1)

A town and port on the western coast of the Black Sea, 60 kilometres northeast of Varna, near the naze of Kali Akra (Kaliakra). It is situated on the site of ancient Bizone. At the end of the 19th century, the town had approximately 1,250 Greek inhabitants under the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the diocese of Varna.



Kelermes (19/4/2007 v.1) Κελερμές (26/3/2007 v.1)

Kelermes is one of the most interesting burial monuments in the Hypanis area, featuring the coexistence of a lavish tomb cemetery and a pit-grave cemetery, suggesting the coexistence of differing burial customs and traditions and the relations between the various tribes of this region.




Kepoi (18/4/2007 v.1) Κήποι (26/3/2007 v.1)

Colony of Miletus in the Cimmerian Bosporus, in the east (‘Asian’) part of the state. The history of Kepoi is linked to Gylon, grandfather of Demosthenes, who served as the city’s governor. During the period of the first Spartocids the city was annexed to the Kingdom of Bosporus. The city’s archaeological strata cover the periods from the 6th cent. BC to the 4th cent. AD.




Kerch - to be assigned Κερτς - to be assigned


Kerch Vases

Kerch Vases (19/4/2007 v.1) Αγγεία του Κερτς (26/3/2007 v.1)

The Kerch vases represent the last bloom of Attic red-vase painting. Most of them have been unearthed in the area of the Kingdom of Pontus (modern south Ukraine and Russia). Their dating and attribution to specific vase painters is problematic. The Kerch style is a combination of a new pictorial expression influenced by monumental painting and sculpture within the confines of the traditional style. Its iconographic themes originate mainly from the mythology.




Khazars - to be assigned Χαζάροι - to be assigned



Kherson - to be assigned Χερσώνα (Νεότεροι Χρόνοι) - to be assigned


Konstantia (Tomis)

Konstantia (Tomis) - to be assigned Κωνσταντία (Τόμις) - to be assigned



Калиакра (26/3/2007 v.1) Kaliakra - has not been published yet Καλιάκρα - has not been published yet

Калиакра е крепост и селище на едноименен нос на западния бряг на Понтос Еуксейнос (Черно море). През античността е укрепено селище „хорион”, незначително засегнат от „елинската колонизация” /VII в. пр.Хр./. През 15 г. крепостта и селището са включени в римската провинция Малка Скития, като от средата на IV век са в границите на Византия. При императорите Валент и Юстиниан І значението на Калиакра в тази част на Понтос Еуксейнос нараства и силно се укрепва. Създадената през втората половина на...
