Les sites rupestres de Crimée du Sud-Ouest à l’époque médiévale |
Ce terme générique englobe, dans les montagnes de Crimée du Sud-Ouest, différents types des sites - habitats du type urbain et rural, forteresses, refuges, monastères. Ce sont les sites qui se situent sur les hauteurs, d’habitude sur les plateaux, dont une partie des structures est souterraine : les grottes naturelles ou artificielles. Ces sites sont en partie déjà occupés à l’époque romaine (par ex. Bakla, Kyz-Kermen), mais leur épanouissement correspond à l’époque byzantine, à partir du... |
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Pityous-Sotirioupolis (Pitsunda), Moyen Âge |
Pityous (Pitsunda, Bičvinta en géorgien), se situe dans l’embouchure du fleuve Bzyb. L’évêque Stratophilos était participé au concile de Nicée (325). Une groupe d’églises était bâti aux Ve-VIe s. Au Xe s. la ville, sous le nom de Sotirioupolis, était le centre d’archevêché du patriarchat constantinopolitain. Une grande église à coupole était sa cathédrale. Dans les années 40 du XIe s. Sotirioupolis et forteresse des Abasges Anacopia forment un thème byzantin. Entre la fin du XIVe s. et le... |
The Sarmatians were Iranian-speaking nomads mentioned by ancient written sources in the North Pontic area from the 2nd c. BC. They were involved in military conflicts at the edges of the Roman Empire, in the Bosporan Kingdom and the Caucasus. In epigraphic sources the name of the Sarmatians is less known. According to the traditional point of view, their material culture has its roots in the Volga-Ural region from where these tribes moved to the North Pontic steppes. However, until now there... |
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Scilouros was one of the most important Scythian rulers and certainly the most influential in the Hellenistic period. He is considered as the reformer of the Scythian culture. His life and activities were connected with a turning point in the history of the Scythian Kingdom in a framework of dramatic historical developments in terms of space and time. |
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Scythian Neapolis was the capital of the Scythian Kingdom in the 2nd and 1st c. BC. The city was founded circa 180 BC, but thrived after 140 BC, when the first palace was built. From 130 BC until the destruction brought about by the forces of the Kingdom of Pontus in 111 BC, the Scythian Kingdom was based in Neapolis. In later times it became an insignificant small town and was abandoned in the early or just before the middle of the 3rd c. AD. |
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There is not much evidence concerning Scythian tribes. Some archaeological finds are related to their settlements and artworking. The written testimony, however, provides researchers with information connected to their origins, customs, neighbours and the locations where Scythian tribes actually settled. |
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Herodotus in the fourth book of his Histories describes several funerary customs and feasts of the Scythians. Archaeological excavations have also brought to light evidence related to the burials of these tribes. So far there have been investigated not only royal tombs but also graves of the lower classes, which provide researchers with information regarding customs, jewellery tradition, clothing, not to mention the relation between Scythians and Greeks. |
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Seafaring and ships in the Black Sea |
La ville de Sébastopolis (l’act. Sukhum en Abkhazie), est un des plus grands centres urbains de la région. Un complexe architectural datant du Ve s. était composé d’une église de plan octogonal et d’une basilique. Le complexe était détruit en 542, au cours de la guerre persano-byzantine. Le matériel archéologique de l’époque médiévale et post-byzantine est assez abondant. Aux environs de la ville, à Dranda, se trouve une grande église à coupole qui pourrait être la cathédrale de l’archevêché... |