A town on the Bulgarian coast of the Black Sea which during the Ottoman period was inhabited mainly by a Greek-speaking population. Agathoupolis was conquered by the Ottomans in 1453 and remained under Ottoman control until 1912, when it was annexed by Bulgaria. After that the city’s Greek inhabitants gradually started abandoning it. During the Ottoman period it developed into an important naval, shipbuilding, merchant and fishing centre, whereas various Greek schools operated there too. It was... |
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Les Alains était un peuple iranophone guerrier qui arriva en Europe soit de la Russie soit d'Asie centrale. Peu après 370, les Alains entraînés par les Huns se déplacent vers l'Ouest, tandis qu'en 378 ils participent en commun avec les Huns et les Ostrogoths à la bataille d'Andrinople. Au début du Ve s. les Vandales, les Suèves et les Alains envahissent la Gaule et l'Espagne, alors qu'en 429 les Alains suivent les Vandales dans la conquête de l'Afrique du Nord. Enfin une autre groupe des... |
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Alexandros Rizos Rangavis |
A Greek settler family of Taganrog in the Azov Sea, their origins being from Mani. The family included military officers, landowners and merchants, with notable activity from the middle of the 18th to the beginning of the 20th century. Members of the family distinguished themselves in the arts and literature as well as holding high administrative positions. |
Small village of farmers in the prefecture of Tulcea, in the region of Dobrudja, Romania. The Greeks settled there following the Russo-Ottoman War of 1828-1829. After communism collapsed in Romania in 1989, a Greek community recognised by the Romanian and the Greek governments was founded there. |
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The Amazon Company is related to Catherine the Great's renowned journey in Crimea (1787) and despite the fact that its appearance was short-lived and not associated to belligerent action, it is placed among the most legendary episodes of Russia’ s Greek Diaspora towards the close of the 18th century. |
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Anchialos was a town in the West Pontic area. It was originally inhabited by both Greeks and Thracians. The city flourished in the Roman period and was visited by Emperor Septimius Severus (209/211). |
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Анхиало/Ахело (Средновековие) |
Градът Анхиало е основан през 5-4 в. пр. Хр. като колония на Аполония Понтика (Apollonia Pontica, Созопол) срещу влиянието и значението на Месамбрия (Mesambria, Несебър). Той се е намирал при залив на около 3-4 км. СЗ от сегашното селище Поморие в местността “Палео-Кастро” по западния бряг на Евксинския понт. За по-голяма сигурност, през края на 8 век градът е бил “пренесен” от византийците на съседния полуостров, където до 1934 г. е носил името (с различни варианти) Анхиало, когато е... |
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Пристанището и укрепеното селище Agathopolis е разположено на полуостров по ЮЗ част на брега на Понтос Еуксейнос. Основано е по време на гръцката колонизация в 7в пр.Хр. като “polis” и вероятно е единствената колония тук на Атина. Прилежащата местност, според намерените археологически свидетелства е била обитавана преди 5000г. пр. Хр. от племената на траките. През средата на 1 в пр.Хр. е включена в провинция „Тракия” на римската империя. След 330 г. селището е в пределите на Византия. Със... |
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