The Vallianos Bros merchant house is an example of a Greek Diaspora establishment that was involved in international commercial, maritime and banking activities during the second half of the 19th century. The three brothers located in Taganrog in the Azov Sea, London and Marseille created a colossal international company that left its mark not only in the transition from sailing boats to steamboats within the entire Greek commercial fleet, but also in the development of Greek shipping in the... |
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Port-city on the west coast of the Black Sea, largely populated by Greeks. Since the end of the 18th century it developed financially and became the most significant commercial port in the area. Seat to the Ecumenical Patriarchate’s local diocese, it was also the main centre of Greek education in northern Bulgaria. Greek inhabitants received a heavy blow by the 1906 purges and their number heavily decreased until the mid-war period. |
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Villages in the region of Mariupol |
Венецианската търговска експанзия в Черно море датира от началото на 13 в. В продължение на близо две столетия корабите на Венеция пътуват интензивно до нейните основни колонии в Тана и Трапезунд и осъществяват значителна по обем търговска дейност. Наред с Генуа, която е постоянна нейна съперница, Венеция извлича огромни печалби от обмена на стоки между Изтока и Запада. Търговията й в този район постепенно замира към края на 16 в. |