User Interface Demonstration
Navigation demo - 1st part (click to open in a new window)
Navigation demo - 2nd part (click to open in a new window)
Languages – Original language
The entries have been composed mainly in Greek or English. There are, however, some entries that were originally composed in other languages. The original version of the entry is marked by the bold frame around the respective flag. In the original versions of the entries that were composed in languages other than Greek or English, only the text with the footnotes (without links and glossaries) is provided.
Content language / Navigation language
The language of the entry’s content and the language used for the navigation in the website may be identical or different from each other. The content language depends on the flags that appear on the right side of the entry’s title, while the navigation language depends on the choices “Greek” or “English” on the right side of the flags and slightly above them. The content language may be English while the navigation language is Greek. This occurs if the user chooses the English flag while being in a Greek environment. Inorderforthenavigationlanguagetochange, the user must select “English” or “Greek” respectively.
Search / Advanced search
There are several search possibilities:
Alphabetical navigation: After the selection of a letter, there appears a list of the entries, the title of which begins with the selected letter. If they are completed (ready for publication), the selection “more” follows the summary. If they are assigned, there is only the summary. Otherwise, thereisonlythetitleoftheentry.
Thematic navigation: After the selection of the respective category, according to the structure of the thematic catalogue, there appears in alphabetical order a list of the entries that are included in the respective category.
Quick search:The respective term is searched for among the titles of the entries. The results are organized in alphabetical order.
Advanced search:The following filters are provided:
- Entry (completed, not yet published, to be assigned)
- Language
- Time period
- Categories of entries
The terms are being searched for in all information fields of the entries:
- Title
- Summary
- Text
- Audiovisual material
The results are organized according to these fields.