Arzhan – A Scythian royal necropolis in Tuva, Southern Siberia
Nagler, A.
(Last visit: 21/7/2009)
Extensive archaeological presentation of Sctyhian burial mound in Tuva, Russia.
Barrows of the Scythian Tsars
Boltryk, Y., Fialko, E.
(Last visit: 21/7/2009)
Article from Symposium presentation on the Scythian barrows in the second half of the 4th century B.C.
Funerary Archaeology
Boltryk, Y.
(Last visit: 21/7/2009)
Abstract of symposium presentation during the 7th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology on the remains of funeral train in Scythian barrows.
Issyk kurgan – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Last visit: 21/7/2009)
Information on the Issyk kurgan in Kazakhstan.