Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Black Sea FOUNDATION OF THE HELLENIC WORLD
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Fortifications and defensive systems in the west Black Sea area

Author(s) : Zahariade Mihail , (proofread.) Lees Christopher (3/17/2008)

For citation: Zahariade Mihail, (proofread.) Lees Christopher, "Fortifications and defensive systems in the west Black Sea area", 2008,
Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Black Sea
URL: <http://www.ehw.gr/l.aspx?id=10805>

Fortifications and defensive systems in the west Black Sea area (12/12/2008 v.1) Οχυρώσεις και δίκτυο άμυνας στα δυτικά παράλια του Εύξεινου Πόντου (6/22/2011 v.1) 



Costobocae, the
Tribe of Dacian origin.

curtain tower, the
D-shaped or rounded tower positioned along a curtain wall (see curtain wall). Aided the defensive function of a castle system.

isodomic masonry (opus quadratum)
A type of masonry in which blocks of equal length and thickness are laid in courses, with each vertical joint centered on the block below.

Marcommanic Wars, the
Also called "bellum Germanicum" or "expeditio Germanica" by the Romans. It was a series of war conflicts between the Romans and several Germanic peoples, amongst which the Quadi and the Marcommani, which took place at the area of Danube from 166 until 180 AD.

mortar, the
Liquidised paste consisting of soil, water, sand or marble. It is used as binding material between rocks or plinths. Thus, it assures stability and protection of mansory.

opus caementicium
Roman technique of constructing structures using concrete. It was spread in the east part of the Roman Empire after 50 BC.

opus quadratum
Tecnhique of wall construction, in which chiselled squared blocks of stone of the same dimensions were placed in parallel lines.

opus vittatum
A well-known Roman building technique, mostly used for the construction of high walls. Consists in the arrangement of usually square stone blocks, intersected by one or more series of bricks/mudbricks at regular or irregular intervals.

pseudo-isodomic masonry
Masonry built of blocks of the same height within each course , but each course varying in height.

Type of castle of square layout with usually circular minarets in the corners.

Tetrarchs, the
The superior archons of the Roman state after its division in four parts by Diocletianus. The first group of Tetrarchs consisted of Diocletianus, Maximianus (Augusti), ο Galerius and Constantinus Chlorus (Caesars).


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