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Burial customs from the Black Sea
Author(s) : Rompoti Eftichia (8/21/2008)Translation : Koutras Nikolaos
For citation: Rompoti Eftichia, "Burial customs from the Black Sea",Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Black SeaURL: <>
aryballos, the A flask for holding perfume oil of a spherical or globular shape.
cist graves rectangular graves the interior of which is lined with stone or mudbrick slabs.
lekythos, the A perfumed oil container with a narrow mouth and one vertical handle. There are lots of variants of this shape. They are predominant during the 5th c. BC. A common find is also the aryballoid lekythos with a globular and squat body. White lekyhtoi were used solely as votive offerings in burials.
pelike, the another version of the amphora. It appears for the first time in 520 BC. It consists of a globular body, a short neck, a projecting thick rim,vertical handles and a short base. Due to its stability, merchants used to store in it valuable ointments for sale.
pit grave Simple form of grave which was dug into earth. It could accommodate one or more individuals.
pyxis, the Small vessel with a lid. Women kept inside cosmetics or jewels. It bears no handles except for the skyphoid pyxis of Sicily.
strigil metal scaper used for removing dust and oil from the athlete's body.
1. Introduction
2. Necropoleis
2.1. Organization
2.2. Types of graves and funerary gifts
2.2.1. Pit graves
2.2.2. Tumuli
2.3. Grave markers
3. Funerary rites and offerings
3.1. Preparation of the body for burial
3.2. The burial
3.2.1. Inhumation
3.2.2. Cremation
3.3. Funerary gifts
3.4. Ritual customs and funerary offerings
4. Burial customs as a means of determining the ancestry of the deceased
Entry's identity
Chronological Table
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