One of the most distinguished Phanariot families. After the Independence the family’s main branch settled to Athens. |
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Konstantinos Paparrigopoulos |
Historiographer and professor of history in the University of Athens. Born in Constantinople in 1815. In 1830 he moved to Athens, where he initiated his career in the Ministry of Justice. After his dismissal due to being “heterochthon”, he was devoted to his scientific pursuits. The writing of the five-volume History of the Hellenic nation from the ancient times to the modern was his lifework. He also contributed to the establishment of many political and cultural societies and associations. He... |
Teacher and musicologist from Constantinople that produced a vast and versatile corpus of work. He involved himself with ecclesiastical and folk music, as well as ancient Byzantine notation, while also composed chants of ecclesiastical music and music for ancient drama. |
Konτoskali (Kumkapı) was one of the most significant and populous Greek districts in Constantinople (Istanbul). During the second half of the 19th century it was rebuilt due to fires; the reconstruction was based on new urban planning principles. The local Greek Orthodox community was quite active, running many schools and associations. Nowadays the district has been almost clear of Greek population. |
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The Kuruçeşme district lies in the valley between cape Defterdar Burnu (Kleidion) and the Mega Revma (Arnavutköy) shore. In antiquity, this area was known as Bythias, due to the great depth of the waters there. In the 17th century, it was populated by Greek-Οrthodox and Armenians, as well as many notable Jewish families. In 1804 the Greek Orthodox College (known in Greek as the “Megali tou Genous Scholi”) was moved to Kuruçeşme and housed at the residence of Alexandros Mavrokordatos. |
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Династија Комнина (1081-1185) |
По свој прилици пореклом из Мале Азије, византијски род Комнина на историјску позорницу ступа за владе цара Василија II (976-1025), а то значи да се нису одликовали старином као неке друге ромејске породице. Током XI века тече њихов постепени успон, тако да је Алексије I Комнин, припадник треће генерације ове породице, постао византијски цар и основао династију која је Царством владала од 1081. до 1185. године. Премда је Алексијев стриц Исак I Комнин био цар од 1057. до 1059, његова владавина... |
Критовул, късновизантийски историк и общественик. Роден около 1410 г., вероятно умира в Константинопол ок. 1470 г. Управител на о. Имброс. Автор на богословски съчинения и една история, наречена от изследователите “Животът и управлението на Мехмед II Ал-Фатих (Завоевателя)”. Съчинението му обхваща периода между 1451-1467 г. и е разделено на пет книги. Проследява завоевателните походи на султан Мехмед II (1451-1481) към островите в Егейско и Йонийско море и на Балканите. Силно влияние върху... |
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