Constantine I (the Great) |
Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantine, one of the most controversial personalities in history, was certainly a great founder: he founded the new capital of the Roman state, a new dynasty, as well as a new religion, which was going to monopolize the religious scene of Late Antiquity. Although in the early stages of his career he got involved in civil wars and interfamilial strives, which ended in bloodbaths, later on he repented and was sanctified by the Christian Church, which he actively... |
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George Sholaris (Gennadios II Sholarios) |
George (Gennadius) Scholares was a theologian and first patriarch of Constantinople during the Turkish occupation (1454-1456, 1463, 1464-1465). At first, he supported the union of the Churches and participated in the Synod of Florence (1439), but later he became a fervent opponent of the union. He mastered Latin language and respected Latin culture, especially Thomas Akinates. He was a great supporter of Aristotle. |
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One of the last Byzantine historians, state official, associate of the last three Byzantine emperors and writer of the Chronicon Minus that records the Fall of Constantinople to the Ottomans. |
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All existing information about the Byzantine poet “Ptochoprodromos” or “poor Prodromos” comes exclusively from four of his poems that survived in 12th-C. literary tradition. The ptochoprodromic poems, as they are called, are the first samples of Byzantine folk satire, a typical literary genre of the cosmopolitan society of komnenian Constantinople. The poet, who calls himself Ptochoprodromos, makes creative use of the tradition of satire and of the rhetorical technique of ethopoeia,... |
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Константин XI Палеолог (1449-1453), син Манојла II и српске принцезе Јелене Драгаш, рођен 1405. године, последњи је византијски цар. Византијско царство је у његово време било сведено само на Цариград са најближом околином и делове Грчке. У два маха, 1423-1424 и 1437-1440, као регент замењивао је брата Јована VIII када је овај путовао на Запад. Имао је апанажу на Пелопонезу који је тада био највиталнији део Византијског царства. Као цар, од 1449. године, из политичких разлога био је присталица... |
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Критовул, късновизантийски историк и общественик. Роден около 1410 г., вероятно умира в Константинопол ок. 1470 г. Управител на о. Имброс. Автор на богословски съчинения и една история, наречена от изследователите “Животът и управлението на Мехмед II Ал-Фатих (Завоевателя)”. Съчинението му обхваща периода между 1451-1467 г. и е разделено на пет книги. Проследява завоевателните походи на султан Мехмед II (1451-1481) към островите в Егейско и Йонийско море и на Балканите. Силно влияние върху... |
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