Archeological research and excavations in Constantinople (Istanbul) |
Byzantine Sources on Constantinople |
Constantinople was founded by Constantine I in 324, on the location of Byzantium, the ancient colony of Megara. As the capital of the Byzantine Empire until 1453, the city became the symbol of Byzantine identity and survival. Primary sources provide written evidence on how and to what extent Byzantine authors wrote descriptions of Constantinople and were interested in detailed accounts of the city. Presenting the main sources in a chronological as well as in a thematic way emphasizes the... |
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Constantinople as seen by foreigners |
Constantinople, Imperial Chancellery - Acts |
Intellectual life in the Early Byzantine Constantinople |
Intellectual life in the Komnenian Constantinople |
Intellectual life in the Middle Byzantine Constantinople |
Intellectual life in the Palaiologan Constantinople |
Throughout the first century of the Palaiologan era, the intellectual life at Constantinople was exceptionally rich and productive. A circle of scholars took a leading part, supported by the emperor, the aristocracy and the Church. They were mainly occupied with teaching, but many of them were involved in the administration of the State and the Church. After the middle of the 14th century, because of the developments in economic, political and ecclesiastic matters, intellectual life entered a... |
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Miniatures and Manuscripts in Constantinople |
Књига епарха је један од најважнијих извора за економску и административну историју Византије 10. века. Реч је јединственом тексту, својеврсном уставу корпорација (цехова) у Цариграду, који говори о организацији занатства и трговине у византијској престоници. Сматра се да је изашао из пера веома вештог писца 911/912 година. До сада је изашло неколико издања овога извора, а преведен је на француски, енглески (у два маха), бугарски, руски, немачки. |
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