Bishopric of Tabia

1. The Bishopric of Tabia

Out of a total of seven episcopal sees, the bishopric of Tabia ranked first in hierarchy in the metropolis of Ankyra, in the ecclesiastical province of Galatia, until the 10th century. The last reference to the bishopric of Tabia is recorded in the notitia episcopatuum no. 13, dated to the late 12th c., a period when Tabia probably was under the sultanate of Ikonion.1

2. Bishops of Tabia

Six bishops are known to have served in Tabia between the first quarter of the 4th c. and the 10th c. The first known bishop of Tabia was Dikasios, who undersigned the minutes of the 319 council of Neocaesarea, while he also participated in the first Ecumenical Council. Julian, who undersigned the minutes of the so-called Robber Synod of Ephesos in 449 and the fourth Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon in 451, is possibly identified with Julian of Tabia, known from the homilies he wrote. In 553 the bishop of Tabia Anastasios participated in the fifth Ecumenical Council of Constantinople representing the metropolitan of Ankyra Dorotheos. In 691-692, bishop of Tabia was Gregory, who participated in the Quinisext Council of Constantinople. The minutes of the seventh Ecumenical Council report a part of a place name of Tabia, although the name of the bishop is not clear. Philaretos undersigned the minutes of the 869-870 council of Constantinople, while the name of the bishopric Theophylaktos appears on a 10th c. seal.

1. For references to the notitiae episcopatuum, see Belke, K. – Restle, M., Galatien und Lykaonien (Tabula Imperii Byzantini 4, Wien 1984), p. 211. The term "bishop of Attabia" is also attested in the sources of that period (12th c.).