Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Asia Minor FOUNDATION OF THE HELLENIC WORLD
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Asclepius (Byzantium)

Author(s) : Banev Guentcho (11/15/2002)
Translation : Koutras Nikolaos

For citation: Banev Guentcho, "Asclepius (Byzantium)",
Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Asia Minor
URL: <http://www.ehw.gr/l.aspx?id=7648>

Ασκληπιός (Βυζάντιο) (2/19/2008 v.1) Asclepius (Byzantium) (5/22/2008 v.1) 


The significance of the historical information on the Aristotelian corpus in the hypomnemata of Asclepius

[...] we learn from Asclepius of Tralles, who has preserved many valuable notices from the works of the more ancient commentators, that [...] on the death of Aristotle some parts of the manuscript were missing, and that these had to be completed from the other writings of Aristotle by the survivors of Aristotle (οὗ μεταγενέστεροι). Asclepius, Prooem. in Aristot. Metaph. libr.A, p. 519.

W. Smith (ed.) Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) vol. 2, p. 77 (entry "Eudemus").

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