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Trebizond (Byzantium), Feast of St. Eugenios
Author(s) : Vathi Theodora (6/1/2005)Translation : Velentzas Georgios
For citation: Vathi Theodora, "Trebizond (Byzantium), Feast of St. Eugenios",Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Asia MinorURL: <>
doukas (lat. dux) Antiquity: Roman military commander who, in some provinces, combined military and civil functions.Buzantium: a higher military officer. From the second half of the 10th c. the title indicates the military comander of a larger district. After the 12th c., doukes were called the governors of small themes.
emir (from Arabic amir) Emir meaning "commander" or "general", later also "prince". Also a high title of nobility or office in some Turkic historical states.
typikon Foundation document of a monastery compiling the rules regarding its administrative organization and liturgic rituals, as well as the comportment inside a cenobitic monastery. The monastic typika could also include the biography (vita) of the monastery founder along with a catalogue of the movable or immovable property of the monastery. They constitute an important source for the study of the monastic life, while at the same time they shed light on many aspects of the Byzantine society. The liturgical typika were calendars with instructions for each day’s services, liturgical books with rules arranging the celebration rituals.
1. St. Eugenios and his Cult
2. Trebizond – The Feast of St. Eugenios
3. New Date for the Celebration of the Saint and the Feast
4. Suspension of the Feast
5. Revival of the Feast
6. Fall of Trebizond and End of the Feast
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The project "ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF THE HELLENIC WORLD" is co-funded from the European Union by 80% and from the Hellenic State by 20% through the Operational Programme Information Society. The project "GREAT INTERNET "ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HELLENIC CULTURE" - PART A'" is co-funded from the European Union by 80% and from the Hellenic State by 20% through the Operational Programme Information Society.