Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Asia Minor FOUNDATION OF THE HELLENIC WORLD
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Battle of Granicus, 334 BC

Author(s) : Kitsos Dimitrios (12/20/2001)
Translation : Kalogeropoulou Georgia , Karioris Panagiotis

For citation: Kitsos Dimitrios, "Battle of Granicus, 334 BC",
Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Asia Minor
URL: <http://www.ehw.gr/l.aspx?id=7938>

Μάχη του Γρανικού, 334 π. Χ. (6/2/2008 v.1) Battle of Granicus, 334 BC (8/4/2009 v.1) 



hetairoi, the
The companions. They were the elite guard of the macedonian king, made up mainly of noblemen and they formed the elite cavalry of the Macedonian army.

satrap, the
The title designated a representative of the Persian king, and was widely used in the Persian language. In ancient writers the term usually designates an official of the Persian empire who assumes highest political and military power within the limits of his satrapia, the division under his command. Alexander the Great introduced the institution to the administrative organisation of his empire in the East.In the Roman empire, the office of the satrap was hereditary for Armenian nobles who administered an Armenian klima (=canton, a historic-geographical unit); in the case of the Armenian territories inside the Roman Empire, the satrap yielded limited power under the suzerainty of the Roman emperor.

satrapy, the
1. Administrative division of the ancient Persian state. 2. The office of a satrap and the period of his government.


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