Battle of Yarmouk
(Last visit: 6/11/2008)
La bataille du Yarmouk et la fin de la présence byzantine en Proche-Orient
Military Intelligence in Arabo-Byzantine Naval Warfare
V. Christides
(Last visit: 27/3/2009)
Article de V. Christides, tiré de l'ouvrage Byzantium at War (1997).
Ninth-century Byzantine Army
W. Treadgold
(Last visit: 5/7/2007)
L' article de W.T.Treadgold «Notes on the numbers and organisation of the ninth-century Byzantine army» dans Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 21 (1980), pp. 269-88.
The Battle of Manzikert: Military Disaster or Political Failure?
Paul Markham
(Last visit: 2/1/2008)
Article sur le bataille decisif de Manzikert.
The Byzantines in Battle
G. T. Dennis
(Last visit: 27/3/2009)
Article de G.T. Dennis, tiré de l'ouvrage Byzantium at War (1997).
The Organisation and Support of an Expeditionary Force: Manpower and Logistics in the Middle Byzantine Period
Haldon, J.
(Last visit: 5/6/2007)
Article de J. Haldon, tiré de l'ouvrage Byzantium at War (1997).
Warfare, State and Society in the Byzantine World, 565-1204
J. F. Haldon
(Last visit: 6/11/2008)
L'ouvrage de Haldon sur l'armée byzantine