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Komai in Asia Minor
Author(s) : Zachos Georgios (2/12/2003)Translation : Sioris Georgios , Velentzas Georgios
For citation: Zachos Georgios, "Komai in Asia Minor",Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Asia MinorURL: <>
agoranomos, the Civil official responsible for the maintenance of the market and the price balance of foods.
chora, the The agricultural land (including villages and land-plots) belonging to a polis. It was bounded with the polis on an administrative and economic basis.
koinon, the The term koinon pertains to every confederacy of ancient cities.
proconsul, -lis A quite high ranking official, vir spectabilis according to the rank of the senate, who was inequable only to the Domestikos of the Scholae and to the Magister Militum per Orientem. The proconsul usually served as a governor of the Imperial provinces (i.e. in Asia Minor the provinces of Asia and Cappadocia). The office was demoted from the 9th century onwards and the term was in use until the 12th century meaning a dignity.
procurator Administrator of a roman Province deriving from the class of equites. He was controlled directly by the Emperor and his legati Augusti pro praetore.
synoecism, the Amalgamation of villages and small towns in Ancient Greece into larger political units such as a single city.
1. Introduction
2. Classical and Hellenistic Periods
3. Roman Period
4. Financial development and prevention of crime
5. Intellectual level and religious life
Entry's identity
Chronological Table
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The project "ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF THE HELLENIC WORLD" is co-funded from the European Union by 80% and from the Hellenic State by 20% through the Operational Programme Information Society. The project "GREAT INTERNET "ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HELLENIC CULTURE" - PART A'" is co-funded from the European Union by 80% and from the Hellenic State by 20% through the Operational Programme Information Society.